
Expos Solo (Listing)

Added Nov 28, 2004


1975 Conceptos - Galería el Lorenés - Centro Plaza - Caracas
1980 Translaciones – Museo Universidad Simón Bolívar - Caracas
1981 Convergencias – Museo Universidad Simón Bolívar - Caracas
1982 Espacios Habitables – Aerografías - Sala Ocre - Caracas
1983 Habitables - Sala Ocre - Caracas
1983 Aerografías - Galería Hospiniños - Hospital J.M. de los Ríos - San Bernardino - Caracas
1984 82, 83, 84,…1/2 - Galería Múltiple - Hotel Plaza Palace - Las Delicias - Caracas
1985 Virtuales - Sala de Exposiciones - Fedecamaras - el Bosque - Caracas
1985 Virtuales II - Galería el Galpón - Porlamar - Nueva Esparta
1988 Construcciones - Sala E.A.P. Eloy Palacios - Cincuentenario Universidad de Oriente - Maturín - Monagas
1989 Estructuras II - Galerías del Sur - Puerto. Ordaz - Edo. Bolívar
1989 Pinturas/Graficas - Galería el Galpón - Nueva Esparta
1990 Símbolos Temporales - Galería Mayz Lyón - Caracas
1992 Croma/Virtuales - Espacios Funda común - Chacaíto - Caracas
1995 La construcción Vital - A.V.A.P. – Caracas
2001 Euroart 2001 – Stand Arturo Carrión / Venezuela – Barcelona – España
2002 Tierra de nadie - Per-for Art-spai galería - Barcelona –España
2003 Umbrales - ARTSIL gallery – Santiago de Compostela – España
2004 Percepciones – casa da cultura – ayuntamiento de Ordes – A Coruña – España
2005 Códices - Galería EMC – Santiago de Compostela – España
2006 Huellas temporales - Galería Centro O Tremo – Os Anxeles – Brión - A Coruña –España
2007 – Huellas y Señales – Galería José Lorenzo – Santiago de Compostela – Galicia
2007 – Objetos de la soledad – Fundación Caixanova – La Estrada – A Coruña – Galicia
2007 – Soledad objetual – Artsil gallery – Santiago de Compostela
2008 QUADRIVIUM – Saatchi gallery online – London
2009 TUBULARES - Virtual gallery – España
2011 KHROMAKINESIS – – España
2012 entre2tiempos – Fundación Araguaney – Santiago de Compostela – España
2014 Khromakinesis – Centro cultural Aldemaro Romero – San Diego – Valencia - Venezuela
2016 Pequeño Formato - Pizca de Dinamarca gallery - Tenerife - España

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KhromaTone - The World Monument Gallery - New York

Added Nov 28, 2004

Arturo Carrion participa en la Exposicion colectiva "KrhomaTone" a inaugurarse el 3 de Julio en The World Monument Gallery de New York, hasta el 27 de Julio de 2010 - Direccion: 15 east 27th st., New York, NY.

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Added Nov 28, 2004

Born in Maturín in 1953 - Edo. Monagas - Venezuela.
In 1976 Egresa of the School of Plastic arts “Red Cristóbal” of Caracas, where he/she carried out studies of artistic formation with mentions in painting and sculpture. In the year 1974 Corporal Expression - INCIBA / Athenaeum of Caracas - 1975. Luz, Vision and Color - Institute Venezuelan Scientific Investigations - E.A.P. Red Cristóbal - In 1976 History of the Venezuelan Painting-Central University of Venezuela - In 1981 Audiovisual Communication I and II-University Simón Bolívar

Drawing professor and painting, sculpture, graphic design, graphic arts, aerógrafo, history of the contemporary art in the following institutions:
Design institute Newmann - E.A.P. Red Cristóbal - Atelier of Painters
Design institute Villasmil of León - University Simón Bolívar.
Graphic designer, realizador of cartoons for educational television, I design audiovisual, TV. educational - UMAV - U.S.B. experimental works in cinema súper eight, photographer, videasta. Creator of the project HABIT/arte, at the moment is the president of the foundation HABIT/arte. Advisory of Image projects to Be founded -1997/98. Designer of you paginate web and electronic Trade

Arturo's work Carrión this represented in:
Gallery of National Art-GAN - Museum of contemporary art of Caracas Sofía Imber MACSI - IPOSTEL, Fundacomún, Salts Meter of Caracas, Electricity of Caracas, Venezuelan of Television, R.C.T.V., University Simón Bolívar, University of East, culture Address Edo. New Esparta, to Be founded, Fedecamaras of Venezuela, Hospital of Clinical Caracas, Gallery Leo Blasini, Hotel Square Palace Caracas, Corimon, Editorial Metropolises, Museum Omar Ray, Museum Jesus Grove, New Museum Cádiz, Latin Bank, Corp Group, Of the South saving entity and we lend, Venearte Gallery, South Art Gallery, Open Art Gallery, Group Li gallery, Museum of the print Ipostel, Per-For-Art Spai. Gallery, Artsil Gallery. Collect private, national and international: Canada, Spain, Colombia, Belgium, U.S.., Italy, England, France, Sweden, Puerto Rico, Argentina, Chile and Costa Rica, rgentina, Brazil and Venezuela.

URL: arturocarrion




Telephones: (0034) 981 890849-981884064-605906169

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Expresiones alternas

Added Nov 28, 2004

Alternating expressions

When we stop to observe the encircling day-to-dayness, and we relate it with the memories that it contains our atavic memory, we foresee a certain one he/she leaves vu that induces us to fuse a reality rayana in the myth, with a crushing context that transmutes codes and signs to each instant, untying, in a game of sway of intellectual exercise, the being's languages comunicacionales.
The talkative relationship exists from the Entelechy. It is a pragmatic and rational necessity, Of there, the Being assumes the development of expressions that you/they go from the corporal thing, until the cybernetics, it looks for to transmit the development of his abstractions of having enunciated for mutarse in another people's environment there am uncontrollable, but that intuitively it is able to operate. The artistic manifestations are, and they have been permanently the flejo and reflection of the being's necessity. Of their expressive impronta that he/she peeks each new intent of developing enunciated of more stable and more lasting codes in the time.
The work that I have been developing in the last years, doesn't escape to this practice. In her treatment of conjugating codes aware of the language comunicacional of our time, with unconscious landmarks of characteristic arquetipales that dominate the atavic memory, achieving with it, through manifestations of characteristic plastic to recreate vivencias that are translated in visions corporal bi and three-dimensional being revealed before the talkative real environment, like an amalgam of lines, incisions, impressions, and expressions of formal movements as unconscious of the being.

Arturo Carrión

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Added Nov 28, 2004

1974. 1º Reward Poster “Venezuelan Folklore”-Institute of Culture and Fine arts-INCIBA - Caracas - Venezuela
1975. Diploma of Recognition-The Sculpture in Venezuela-he/she Marries of Beautiful-M.E. - Caracas - Venezuela
1983. Diploma and mention of honor 4ª Biennial of Latin American Engraving-Puerto Rico
1985. Diploma 5ª Biennial of Latin American Engraving-Puerto Rico
1987. 2º reward National living room “Red Cristóbal”-Caracas
1988. I reward “Fiftieth anniversary University of East”-Individual Exhibition - Monagas
1990. I reward “José Ángel Licks”-I Project Cultural. Caracas
1997. I reward “Monagas Marries”-Cultural projects for the Communities-Caracas
2001. Venezuelan representative in “Euroart 2001” Barcelona-Spain

Arturo's work Carrión this represented in important private, national and international collections (Canada, Spain, Colombia, Belgium, USA, Italy, England, France, Sweden, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Argentina, Chile and Costa Rica), as well as in institutions you publish and private national of Venezuela: Gallery of National Art, Museum of contemporary art Sofía Imber - MACSI - IPOSTEL, common Case, Salts Meter of Caracas, Electricity of Caracas, Venezuelan of Television, R.C.T.V., University Simón Bolívar, University of East, culture Address Edo. New Esparta, to Be founded, Ministry of Education, Corimon, Collection Bank Latin, Editorial Metropolises, Bank of Venezuela, Bank of the Caribbean, Center Prescribes of Caracas, Hospital of Clinical Caracas, Venearte Gallery, Foundation Centers Arístides Bastidas, Artsil Gallery, Gallery Per. For-Art. Spai, Center of art Siblings Alconada.

At the moment he/she works in the project "Depths of the Plane" of characteristic multimedia, developing new random plastic positions in language and communication with the spectator, using the resources of the videotape, the digital picture, the painting, the sculpture, the drawing, the digitized impression, the virtual image that you/they are new resources for their plastic development


Founder of 7 art groups in the net:








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Exposicion Galeria Crisolart de Barcelona

Added Nov 28, 2004

Arturo Carrion participa el proximo 01 de Julio de 2006 en la muestra colectiva "Artistas para el museo del mañana", en la Galeria Crisolart de Barcelona / España.
Esta muestra esta patrocinada por Editorial Ecuador 21, quienes a su vez bautizaran en el marco de la muestra el libro "Artistas para el museo del mañana", y podrá visitarse desde el 01 al 14 de julio de 2006. Estan cordialmente invitados.

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