Born in Maturín in 1953 - Edo. Monagas - Venezuela.
In 1976 Egresa of the School of Plastic arts “Red Cristóbal” of Caracas, where he/she carried out studies of artistic formation with mentions in painting and sculpture. In the year 1974 Corporal Expression - INCIBA / Athenaeum of Caracas - 1975. Luz, Vision and Color - Institute Venezuelan Scientific Investigations - E.A.P. Red Cristóbal - In 1976 History of the Venezuelan Painting-Central University of Venezuela - In 1981 Audiovisual Communication I and II-University Simón Bolívar
Drawing professor and painting, sculpture, graphic design, graphic arts, aerógrafo, history of the contemporary art in the following institutions:
Design institute Newmann - E.A.P. Red Cristóbal - Atelier of Painters
Design institute Villasmil of León - University Simón Bolívar.
Graphic designer, realizador of cartoons for educational television, I design audiovisual, TV. educational - UMAV - U.S.B. experimental works in cinema súper eight, photographer, videasta. Creator of the project HABIT/arte, at the moment is the president of the foundation HABIT/arte. Advisory of Image projects to Be founded -1997/98. Designer of you paginate web and electronic Trade
Arturo's work Carrión this represented in:
Gallery of National Art-GAN - Museum of contemporary art of Caracas Sofía Imber MACSI - IPOSTEL, Fundacomún, Salts Meter of Caracas, Electricity of Caracas, Venezuelan of Television, R.C.T.V., University Simón Bolívar, University of East, culture Address Edo. New Esparta, to Be founded, Fedecamaras of Venezuela, Hospital of Clinical Caracas, Gallery Leo Blasini, Hotel Square Palace Caracas, Corimon, Editorial Metropolises, Museum Omar Ray, Museum Jesus Grove, New Museum Cádiz, Latin Bank, Corp Group, Of the South saving entity and we lend, Venearte Gallery, South Art Gallery, Open Art Gallery, Group Li gallery, Museum of the print Ipostel, Per-For-Art Spai. Gallery, Artsil Gallery. Collect private, national and international: Canada, Spain, Colombia, Belgium, U.S.., Italy, England, France, Sweden, Puerto Rico, Argentina, Chile and Costa Rica, rgentina, Brazil and Venezuela.
URL: arturocarrion
Telephones: (0034) 981 890849-981884064-605906169